EDU 246 Micro-computing in
the classroom Simiar Courses include:
ICC 523 Integrating Technology into Foreign Language
Classrooms: The course focused on learning how to use communications technologies and develop
related foreign language materials with an emphasis on pedagogically sound integration of these technologies and materials
in the foreign language curriculum.
EDPT 200 Integrating
Educational Technology in the classroom. This is a course offered in
a university in Montreal, Quebec This course is designed to help practicing and prospective teachers to integrate
technology into their teaching.
ED186 Using Instructional Technology in the Classroom. Principles and techniques affecting technology in instructional settings. Includes examination of emerging technologies
and selection, utilization, and production of instructional materials.
EDU 407 Teaching Secondary school subjects
Similar Course:
MAE 6336: Special Methods Secondary School
Mathematics This course will provide methodology, specific to Secondary School
Mathematics, for the delivery of effective instruction.
SCE 4310 Teaching Science in the Elementary School
This course is
a requirement for the elementary education teacher preparation program. It is designed to provide students with the methodology
requisite to effective science teaching. The course work centers on utilizing science content knowledge and process skills
in the development of effective instructional strategies for the elementary level learner.
EDSE 322 Principles & Methods of Teaching. This course is designed
as a series of practical workshops team taught by university and public school faculty. The focus is on the methods, materials
and issues in secondary school teaching. The goal of the course is to provide students with the preparation needed for successful
student teaching and beginning teaching experiences. The standards for this course are based on professional expectations,
including INTASC and performance-based standards.
Edsc 227 Teaching Science
in Secondary Schools
The course will examine science
as inquiry and problem solving, research in science teaching, instructional planning, meeting the science literacy needs of
all students, computer technology and telecommunications, and the assessment of science achievement including standards based
EDU 570 Curriculum Theory and Issues
Similar courses:
TDE611 CURRICULUM THEORY AND DESIGN This course examines effective practices and procedures and theories for the development, implementation and evaluation
of quality curriculum. A major focus of the course is the theoretical relationship among curriculum, instruction and assessment
as a basis for creating and evaluating standards-based curriculum.
Course Number 04.636 THEORY &
main course goal is for students to examine curricular theory and research as they apply to educational transformation in
leadership and instruction. Such inquiry is conducted in the context of the social, psychological and political milieu for
curriculum and schooling.
ED 865 CURRICULUM THEORY The course is designed primarily to initiate
a dialogue on the nature of curriculum theory. The major contemporary curriculum theorists and their ideas, modes of discourse,
the paradigms and the issues that surround the central question of the curriculum field: "what shall we teach?".
CURR 514 Curriculum Theory and Practice. This course provides an overview of the total school curriculum from the
primary through the secondary levels, including social and educational foundations, factors in design, and common organizational